(Published in the Psypioneer, 2013, Vol. 9, No 05)

Readers of Col. Olcott’s Old Diary Leaves, his account of the early days of the Theosophical Society, will recall his references to the extensive correspondence between Olcott and Blavatsky in the States; and Stainton Moses and C. C. Massey in England. Where are the letters of Stainton Moses now? Probably in the archives of the Theosophical Society in Adyar, India, from which a quarter of a century ago, Michael Gomes kindly sent me notes about some he had come across.

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English FOTA Agrees Constitution by Leslie Price

The group planning the launch of the national Friends of Theosophical Archives for England agreed the text of a constitution at a meeting in London on 24 February. The text will now be sent to the Charity Commission, a government body, for approval and registration. The charity will have to comply with various legal requirements, but will enjoy privileges that will help with fundraising. Kevin Tingay, a lecturer at Bath Spa University will chair the new body until its first annual general meeting, and Leslie Price ( Associate editor, Theosophical History ) will serve as secretary. The new body will be publicly announced at the Cambridge conference "Visions of Enchantment" in March 2014.

It is hoped that similar national bodies will be formed in various jurisdictions under the international umbrella of the parent FOTA.

FOTA ENGLAND by Leslie Price

A meeting was held at 50 Gloucester Place on 5 November 2013 of persons interested in setting up in this country The Friends of Theosophical Archives . (A similar initiative is planned for USA). Present were Lynda Harris Janet Lee, Leslie Price, and Kevin Tingay.

It was agreed to seek registration of the proposed body as a charity, and Leslie undertook to circulate drafts of a constitution. It was hoped to agree this at a further meeting, provisionally  scheduled for Monday 24 February 2014. The scope of FOTA would extend to all the Theosophical tradition, and not any one stream.  

Subject to the terms of the constitution, Kevin agreed to act as Chair of the new group, and Leslie as secretary. A Treasurer would also be required.

The meeting heard reports of the Amsterdam conference “ Enchanted Modernities” attended by Lynda and Janet, at which the FOTA initiative was announced.